Education is Freedom
Paulo Friere
You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter
by Joe Dispenza
“So as soon as you think a new thought, you become changed — neurologically, chemically, and genetically. This means that by thought alone, you can personally activate new genes right away. It happens just by changing your mind; it’s mind over matter“
The ability of the mind to positively influence the body is encapsulated by the term, “placebo”. Whilst the medical community at large limits the use of this phenomena to a standard against which the efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs are assessed, this book explores the vast healing power of belief itself as a primary form of medicine. By altering our subconscious mental programming, it is revealed that we can dramatically change our physiology in ways that we have been told were impossible to imagine. Practiced meditation, together with emotional resonance, is described as being key to creating new energy signatures within the body and opening the door to new possibilities for our health and well-being. Critical research from many disciplines have converged on the questioning of an underlying anomaly within our age-old scientific framework of physics; that is, is consciousness more fundamental than matter? Can we really separate this phenomenon we call consciousness from what we observe to be the material world? There is a medical revolution described in these pages of vital importance.