Education is Freedom
Paulo Friere
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
by Robert O Becker
“Two separate currents, then, one from the nerves and one from the bone matrix, were producing potentials of opposite polarity, which acted like the electrodes of a battery. These living electrodes were creating a complex field whose exact shape and strength reflected the position of the bone pieces. The limb was, in effect, taking its own X ray.”
One of the most important medical revelations of our time is detailed within these pages. As the title suggests, chapter after chapter presents scientific evidence that our bodies are fundamentally electric in nature. Our connective tissue, traditionally relegated to simply a sophisticated scaffolding, is actually a semicrystalline structure that conducts DC electrical current throughout our bodies, concentrated along lines or ‘meridians’. This current is independent of the well known action potential along nerve fibres and has been shown to be integral to healing, states of consciousness and the pain response, to mention just a few phenomena that has eluded mainstream medical research. The detail in this book further explains why ambient electromagnetic fields (EMFs) we aren’t even aware of can negatively affect our health.