Education is Freedom

Paulo Friere

The Rainbow and the Worm:  The Physics of Organisms

by Mae-Wan Ho

“The idea of molecules communicating and exchanging energy by electromagnetic resonance fits in perfectly with accumulating evidence that cells and organisms are liquid crystalline, that all the moleculaes, including especially the 70% of water, are aligned and working coherently together.”

“What is Life?”  This question has been met with a deafening silence in the fields of biology and physics for far too long.  This book explores that question by challenging some long held beliefs about how organisms function, leading to the surprising revelation that our bodies are actually liquid crystalline in structure, enabling a flow of electric current that regulates our healing processes and even our consciousness.  Every cell communicates electromagnetically with every other cell almost instantaneously through this web of crystalline networks.  It’s becoming clearer that electricity and structured water play vital roles in what makes us alive, and may even be the catalyst for high-order consciousness itself.