Education is Freedom

Paulo Friere

The Art of Seduction

by Robert Greene

“You might think it wiser to present yourself as someone reliable, not given to caprice.  If so, you are in fact merely timid.  It takes courage and effort to mount a seduction…make it clear in the gifts you make, the little journeys you plan, the little teases you lure people with.  Little efforts like these will be more than amply rewarded by the conquest of the heart and willpower of the seduced.”

Seduction is a powerful force to master and not one we are ever taught to yield to full effect.

Whether it’s in the pursuit of pleasure, the conquest of another’s heart, the promotion of a business or the attention of the masses that you desire, learning the art of seduction is vital to your success. 

Robert Greene takes you on a journey into this forbidden realm, laced with taboos from our perhaps overly polite society.  Like it or not we are all susceptible to seduction by our very nature, and by that same token we all have a signature seductive type that we gravitate towards – from the Siren, to the Rake, the Charismatic or even the Anti-Seducer. 

Delve into the artistry of histories most prominent (and lesser known) seducers, absorb the timeless lessons and awaken the potential inside you to cast your irresistible spell.